I woke up today and felt great. I knew today was gonna be special. Today was the first day of school my sophomore year. So I got ready and headed off to school. The very first thing I saw is what the teachers call computers; they are like little televisions that you use. The day seemed to fly by until I was at the tech lab for computer introductions. I learned all the BASIC controls that people use to make the computer respond to commands. I started “programming” so to speak on the computer to make a game I created a tic tac toe game that you play against the computer.

It is so advanced that we get free computer time just to make more things with basic. I am so excited I can’t wait to get my hands on those computers to play with. My friends were all amazed at how fun the computers were and I was really surprised too because I had never seen a computer before and it was cool to actually see one in person.

My friends and I were joking around and saying we should make a computer business and make millions. That sounded good to me because I knew I would be a millionaire by the time I was 30. I was thinking and maybe I will start a computer business I really like them. But why ponder on silly thoughts good night journal see you tomorrow.